Kiraka the Boy Child Chronicles

Kiraka the Child Chronicles

He appreciated it when his close friends called him ‘KBC’, his jargon name for Kiraka, the Kid Child. Everybody had one. In the streets, you had to have a name.

This time around round, KBC was facing his greatest moment ever before, because he came to the city a years back.

He had been fantasizing about this moment back in the day. This was long earlier, when the city was just an imagination in Kiraka’s creativity.

Now the day was here, as well as Kiraka was below. It was real. As he walked along the slim winding course towards the Master’s home to collect his reward, Kiraka satisfied his neighbour Liam. Liam was his genuine name, however much like Kiraka. Liam’s street name was Mali.

It had been a long time since Liam and also Kiraka had met. Regarding seven years had passed given that the horrible incident when Kiraka and also Uliam ended up being the latest close friends transformed bitter enemies. Well, Kiraka, had actually neglected the past as well as moved on. Yet the view of Mali, despite the long period of time, revived the memories instantaneously.

Mali was just as amazed to see his very long time buddy. They awkwardly exchanged pleasantries, and also KBC promptly excused himself, rushing towards the Master’s residence not to be late for his consultation.

’ Yet where would Uliam be originating from?’, wondered Kiraka. The only destination on the side Uliam was coming from was the Master’s residence! No sooner had this assumed involved Kiraka’s mind than everything struck him. The memory was as vibrant as yesterday; how it all began.

It was a Sunday mid-day, right after Kiraka had returned from Church. Kiraka would typically invest his Sunday afternoons at his mommy’s area when he came from church. This Sunday was as any various other, and also Kiraka lay on the mat under the mango tree at the yard listening to the preferred Sunday mid-day radio show.

After that the call came. It was Mali. The phone call from Mali permanently changed things for Kiraka and his whole family. Mali asked Kiraka to fulfill him at the market area quickly. When Kiraka got to the famous gathering place under the mango tree at the marketplace, Mali was eagerly waiting, with a broad smile and shimmering vast eyes. Without hesitation, Mali discussed to Kiraka that a financier from India was in community looking for young men to assist migrate to their country where they can prosper and effective. The only need was a payment of facilitation fee of two thousand dollars.

The day for success had finally come, Kiraka thought as he fast gave way to the bank to withdraw his life time financial savings for payment in the direction of this golden opportunity.

Aura Lane

Aura Lane

Aura's love for journaling and blogging has been years in the works. Once she moved to NYC it really took off. She loves to travel, eat vegan food, and drink coffee.

